The young adult population is the one that registers the largest number of COVID-19 infections in Costa Rica, with the age range between 30 and 34 years. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the average age of active cases of the novel Coronavirus in the country is 33.5 years, while the general average of accumulated infections (taking into account active and recovered cases) is 34.4 years. To date, Costa Rica has recorded 3,269 cases of COVID-19, two-thirds of that amount was infected this month.
The data of the Health authorities divide the ranges of contagion by five years and thus highlight the group of people between 30 and 34 years with the most report of contagion: 413 people. To this group, we add the age ranges between 25-29 years, 35-39 years, and 20-24 years, whose contagion registry figures are 375, 362, and 339 respectively.
This means that the group of young adults between the ages of 20 and 39 add up to 1,489 cases, almost half of all infections in the country (45.5 percent). The next group of people with the highest registry of infections is that of adults aged between 40 and 44 years (they register 278 cases), 45 to 49 years old (225 cases), and 50 to 54 (with 214). The ages that continue to register less contagion, but a higher mortality rate are in the age range of 55 to 59 years, 141 cases are registered in people aged 60 to 64, 99 infections.
Older adults

People over 65 who were infected add 158 cases, of which, nine died, this being the population with the highest level of mortality. The data reports 61 infections in people ages between 65 and 69 years. In the case of infections for the groups of older adults with ages between 70 and 74 years, 75 and 79 years, 80 and 84 years, and 85 to 89 years, there are 36, 28, 16, and 15 cases respectively. Also, one case is reported in the age range of 90 to 94 years and another in the range of 95 to 99 years.
The youngest members of households have been numerically more affected by COVID-19 than the older adults in our country. According to the report, 481 minors have been infected; of these, 307 have active cases and 174 have already recovered.
The data reports 131 cases of infection in children aged 0 to 4 years, 138 infected with ages between 5 and 9 years, 128 patients with ages between 10 and 14 and 84 infections in adolescents with ages between 15 and 17 years. In the case of the age range between 18 and 19, 101 cases adhere.
According to the records of the Ministry of Health, these are the data that have an age range, however, it is clarified that 83 cases are not included, of which their age is not certain and are still under investigation.
The average age of people who have died in Costa Rica from COVID-19 is 67.8 years. To date, there have been 15 deaths, three of them during the previous weekend. They are nine men and six women with ages ranging from 26 to 87 years.
The ages of the youngest deceased are 26, 45, and 48. They are joined by fatalities who were 54, 58, 64, 69, 73, 75, and 78 years old. Also, according to reports, there are five deaths of people over 80 years old (one 80, another 84, and three 87 years).