After the first dialogue between union representatives of the health sector and leaders of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), it was agreed to create an Institutional Labor Commission of the sanitary management of the Pandemic.
The meeting was attended by the Minister of Labor, Geannina Dinarte Romero, the Minister of Salud Daniel Salas, and the Executive President of the CCSS. For the union, sector participated Representatives of UNDECA, SINAE, SIPROCIMECA, SINASSASS, SINTEF, SINASS, and ANPE. This commission will address issues related to the measures that are implemented at the institutional level adopted or will be adopted, in response to the care of the pandemic.
The union representatives raised 8 issues around the health emergency by COVID-19, related to the labor governance of health management, the protection of the workers’ health, socio-labor rights, individual freedoms, and unions, strengthening CCSS and IVM moratorium. The work will be carried out through 3 virtual sessions in which topics will be advanced Specific technicians and a follow-up face-to-face session, within a month and a half, with the participation of the institutional leaders who will see the 8 thematic axes.

The face-to-face meeting will respect the regulations established by the Ministry of Health to safeguard the health of the participants and avoid possible sources of contagion. In the first meeting, to be held next Friday, the mechanisms will be defined, procedures and scope that will serve to attend to the operation of this commission, the same which will have an advisory and recommendation nature.
Representatives of the different groups will participate in all virtual sessions Unions with their counterparts from the CCSS as well as an observer from the MTSS and another from the Ministry of Health. The Minister of Labor, Geannina Dinarte Romero, highlighted the “importance of this exercise of social dialogue that allowed us a first agreement with the creation of this Commission, the time that we can analyze the priorities that the representatives have established union. «From the next meeting we will advance with the issue raised and the technical commission will be able to see more specific details in the meetings than for that purpose will be held biweekly. Throughout this process, there will be the accompaniment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Ministry of Health “, concluded Dinarte.