The “Festival de Cine bajo las Estrellas” Film Fest does not rest, after a tour in Península de Osa (Puntarenas) and another one in Puerto Viejo (Limón); this project makes its suitcases again and travels to Guanacaste, to the community of Bagaces
In this occasion the presentation will be performed in the frame of the traditional fest “Guanacastearte”, annual event that brings together national and international artists in this zone to propitiate an space for cultural exchange.
For Vera Vargas, in charge of the regional office from the “Cultura y Juventud” Ministry and the “Guanacastearte” Fest organizer, it is really important to establish alliances among the cultural development projects with the purpose of maximizing the opportunities, offers and resources; in order to trigger actions and results in people, artists and communities. – I am grateful and with this we will demonstrate that teamwork can enlarge the possibilities to cultural and art access. Thank you very much “Festival de Cine bajo las Estrellas”- She said
The “Festival de Cine bajo las Estrellas” Film Fest seeks to democratize the audiovisual art and take it to those ones who hardly have access to this type of works.
Thanks to the strong work with “Centro Costarricense de Producción Cinematográfica”; the new presentation will be in Bagaces this November the 15th and the 16th, with these movie’s projections: “La Yuma” (Florence Jaugey) and “El Regreso” (Hernán Jimenez) on the first date, and “El Cielo Rojo” (Miguel Gómez) and “Gestación” (Esteban Ramírez) on the second date. Both batches will begin at 6:00pm nearby the park.
As it is traditional in this Fest, the movie will be in a big screen, outdoor and free. Therefore all the public is invited to enjoy this event with its families, so you can bring yours blankets, chairs, cushions or any other implement to sit down.
In addition to the projections and thanks to the workshop scholarship program from the “Dirección del Ministerio de Cultura”, the community will also enjoy the “Taller de Producción Audiovisual Básico” workshop given by the INA’s former professor, Rosa Chinchilla. This workshop is free and addressed to people that have a little bit or no knowledge in the area. For registration [email protected]
The previous “Gestión Cultural” workshop, was already delivered by Anselmo Navarro, former director of “Festival de las Artes” Fest from November de 2nd and 3rd last year. This happened due to a request from the “Guanacastearte” organization, because they wanted this training before the event to take advantage of it.
For more information about the “Festival de Cine bajo las Estrellas” Fest tours and workshops you can get into, Facebook: Festival de Cine bajo las Estrellas and Twitter: Cine_Estrellas
We appreciate all your support in spreading this news. For questions and information please contact us.
Daniela Arias
FECIBE Director
T. 8366-3790
E. [email protected]
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica