The initiative, which is being implemented since August 11th, has the support of the Costa Rican Chamber of Restaurants (CACORE).
The course can be accessed through the website and it consists of 3 modules. Users will learn about different topics such as alcohol consumption patterns, drinking and violence, moderate alcohol use and its benefits, vulnerable populations (those who must not drink alcohol), client safety, and others.
In addition, users will learn important aspects about Costa Rica’s Liquor Law, Transit Law, and Consumer Protection Law.
The goal is for liquor-licensed facilities to have their own politics to promote responsible alcohol use.
In order to pass the course, users must complete the 3 modules. Each module will be evaluated with a quiz which requires a passing grade of 80. However, users can retake the module if they do not get the necessary score.
By completing the course’s 3 modules, the student will have all the knowledge necessary to provide a safe service, be a serving responsible drinking ambassador in the workplace, and meet the standards prescribed by law to achieve responsible and sustainable growth over time.
For CACORE, it is highly important to promote healthy drinking habits among the population, especially young people.
“We firmly believe that we have the responsibility to change the way that young adults face their first experiences with alcoholic drinks, and this is in a family atmosphere, accompanied with good food, where there is no chance for abuse,” said Manuel Burgos, President of the Chamber.
Meanwhile, Gisela Sanchez, Director of Corporate Relations at Florida Bebidas, said that “it is very important to work in partnership with CACORE to continue developing tools and learning experiences that have been successful in other countries.”
Precisely, the course is based on the program Service in Action created by Canadian non-profit organization Éduc’alcool, which implements information, education and prevention programs designed to help young people and adults make enlightened, responsible decisions about drinking.
People who want to take the course must go to the website and fill out the registration form.
Those who successfully complete the e-course will be given a certificate issued by CACORE.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica