
    Costa Rica takes leading role in Biofuels

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    The Costa Rica Seed Company has achieved great success in 2008 and has established themselves as Jatropha Biofuel leaders in North & Central America.

    The 80 hectare R&D Jatropha Planatation has captured world wide attention, recognized as the most advanced plantation in the Americas. They have also identified one of the most potent strain of Jatropha seed known, with 42% oil content.

    The Jatropha Genus of a known 170 species belongs to the tribe Joannesiea of Crotonoideae in the great family of over 8000 known species of the Euphorbiaceae. Its sub-genera Curcas is known as the most Primitive form of Jatropha. Jatropha Curcas L.

    There does not exist a complete revision of the old world Jatropha. The name Jatropha comes from the Greek “IAtros” which means Doctor and “trophe” which means Food.

    At the time the meaning behind “IATROS TROPHE” was simple, it was for medicinal purposes. The word Curcas is from India and it is the common name for “Physic Nut”.

    After extensive research and investigation the Costa Rica Seed Company firmly believes that the birthplace of Jatropha trees originated in Northwestern Costa Rica near the Nicaraguan border.

    Goldman Sachs recently cited Jatropha curcas as one of the best candidates for future biodiesel production.

    Many alternative Bio Diesel fuels have been shown to improve exhaust emissions than traditional Diesel fuel. Jatropha Bio diesel holds promise as fuel alternatives in diesel engine development continues.

    Research has shown that jatropha bio diesel properties are of the highest grade. Improves engine performance, is very similar to diesel fossil fuel. Bio Diesel is non toxic, bio degradable and a renewable fuel.

    The Global emissions regulations have placed design limitations on heavy duty diesel engines, taking us into a directional trend towards cleaner burning fuel sources. Jatropha bio diesel is growing Worldwide!

    Bio diesel performs better than Petroleum diesel, reduces serious air pollutants such as particulates, carbon monoxides, hydrocarbons and air toxins.

    Mutagencity studies show that bio diesel dramatically reduces potential risk of cancer and birth defects.

    Biodiesel is about 5% to 8% less energy dense than petroleum diesel, but has greater lubrication properties and higher combustion rate which is leading overall to a fuel efficiency of approximately 2% higher than petroleum diesel.

    One of the vast advantages of biodiesel is the fact that it can be used in existing diesel engines without modification and can be blended in at any ratio with petroleum diesel.

    This is a cost that can be completely avoided all together by simply integrating liquid bio-fuels into the current infrastructure.

    Some of the primary economic advantages of biodiesel production include: Farmers that intercrop, can earn income from jatropha-based farming, along with self sustainability. Farm workers will have steady employment in areas where jobs were once scarce.

    Diesel fuel production will further potential global business opportunities by lowering transportation costs. Costa Rica would be self sustainable due to the fact that 80% of all engines used here are diesel engines.

    Jatropha curcas, is unique among bio-fuels. Because oil can be extracted from over 80 known plant specie varieties, jatropha is currently the first choice for biodiesel due to its high yield. Jatropha requires minimal inputs, stabilizes or even reverses desertification, and has uses for a variety of left over products once the bio-fuel is extracted.

    Another attractive attribute of Jatropha is that it is a drought-resistant and can grow in saline, marginal and even otherwise infertile soil, requiring little water and maintenance.

    Jatropha farming has been most successful in the drier regions of the tropics with annual rainfall ranging between 300 to1000 mm. It grows naturally at lower altitudes (0 to 500 m) in areas with average annual temperatures well above 20C, but can grow at higher altitudes and tolerate slight frost.

    Diesel fuel with biodiesel additives such as Jatropha causes far less pollution to the environment. It can go into the same fuel distribution infrastructure by either replacing petroleum diesel wholly (as B100, or 100% biodiesel), or simply being blended in with the diesel fuel. Not only does this assist with eliminating existing gas-related problems, but these initiatives also contribute toward making biodiesel a much more feasible alternative while eliminating some of the associated costs of restructuring fuel distribution infrastructures.

    To read more on Jatropha Biofuel development visit The Costa Rica Seed Company web site

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