Ministers of Tourism, together with authorities from the private tourism sector of Central America and the Dominican Republic, held the LXII Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central American Tourism Promotion Agency, CATA.
The objective was to establish the strategic lines of work on which the efforts of the sector will focus during the first half of 2021. In this sense, the Authorities instructed CATA to continue with the efforts implemented during the previous year to guarantee the adaptability of the industry. Likewise, they urged to strengthen planning capacities, support the development of human capital, promote digital transformation, innovation and resilience.
Bicentennial of Independence
At the same time, they gave the green light to initiate the first actions in the framework of the Bicentennial of Independence of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. In the session, Costa Rica assumed the Pro Tempore presidency of the CATA Board of Directors, a leadership position from which it will seek to strengthen the actions of the sector.
The Minister of Tourism of Costa Rica, Gustavo Segura indicated that ‘our region is very well positioned for the post-Pandemic, a tourism of nature, culture, indigenous groups’, at the same time that he conveyed a message of solidarity and hope with the industry regional.
Leadership in the region
The Central American country will lead the region’s tourism integration and promotion efforts until June 2021. During that period, it will progressively promote economic and social recovery, with a greener, more sustainable and resilient work scheme in the region in post-Pandemic times.
For its part, CATA will provide technical support to the actions carried out within the framework of the Pro Tempore presidency of Costa Rica, at the same time that it will continue to advance in the implementation of a strategy and action plan that will allow in the next three years to focus on the execution of the mitigation, recovery and reconstruction phases of regional tourism with a horizon of 2023 to achieve this.