Costa Rica is a safe place. But as it may happen anywhere else in the world, there’s a few caveats you should take into account. The country is in many ways, a paradise on Earth. A place with astounding beaches, beautiful wilderness, delicious food and fantastic weather. All of which have made it extremely popular with travellers from all over the world. Millions of tourists visit it each year and it is no wonder. In order to make their stay as pleasant as possible they should keep certain things in mind. CrimeGenerally speaking, Costa Rica a safe place. This is especially true when compared to other Latin American countries, in which street crime is an issue. Both Ticos and visitors are not completely exempt from this problem. Pickpoteting and other petty theft are the most common dangers that foreign tourists may face. Another is credit card skimming. Purse-snatching and pickpocketing happen in certain tourist areas, and occasionally in public transports. In urban areas, people walking alone might be victims of mugging. Also beware of people that offer to “help” you with your bags, because more often that not, they’re trying to help you out of them. They Bite! Costa Rica is famous for its vibrant biodiversity. A huge crowd of tourists are attracted to its wonderful animals, plants and the landscapes in which they live. Keep in mind that some animals might look friendly but looks can be deceiveing. Monkeys, for instance, are almost everywhere. They are smart and cute, yet they are no pets. And they love shiny objects like jewelry, car keys and cellphones. Keep your eyes open. Monkeys aside, other animals may be a bit more of concern. It’s a tropical country. Chances are that you encounter scorpions, snakes, spiders and crocodiles. Totally uncuddly. Use your common sense and avoid walking into the jungle or swimming in any old river, regardless of how safe and inviting it might look. Remember to be careful around trees so you don’t meet any nasty creepy crawlers or even “terciopelo” snakes. Nature’s WrathCosta Rica is in an active seismic area. Small and not so small quakes happen from time. Also remember that Costa Rica has several active volcanoes so inform yourself as to what ought to be done in case of an emergency and pay attention to the warning signs. The country’s Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory and other institutions keep watch on those occurrences, so consult them online from time to time.Hurricanes can cause storms and strong rains, however, given it’s location, it is very rare for an hurricane to actually land. ‘Huracán’ season spans from June to November, so if you’re planning to visit Costa Rica during those months, take your safety measures.DiseasesCosta Rica has a terrific healthcare system, so you can consider that issue pretty much covered. Nevertheless, it is always better to avoid getting a tropical disease. It is also riskier to get sick in rural areas where there might be less medical attention at hand.~ Get your vaccines before traveling into the country. Malaria and Dengue fever are still around. They are transmitted by mosquitos please remember to pack a can of bug repellent.~ Although the quality of the water in urban areas is quite good, in rural areas its quality might vary. Stick to bottled water and boil tap water if you need to.Some Tico facts:~ In 2018, over 3 million tourists visited Costa Rica.~ Costa Rica is home to 500,000 species of animals.~ The Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory has a website you can visit at: http://www.ovsicori.una.ac.cr/~ According to a survey done by TripAdvisor, Costa Rica is a favorite destination for travel experiences, taking the top spot in the country list. What to doHere’s some basic safety precautions you can take to minimize trouble:~ Learn some Spanish beforehand. It might come in handy and it’s a great icebreaker. There are many ways to do it, from summer Spanish school, University courses to tutors and online courses.~ Check out the season you’re travelling in so as to avoid bad weather.~ Pay attention to warnings and advice from the locals and from authorities.~ Keep your valuables in sight, especially on certain beaches. ~ Check out social networks and other online sources about the country. There is plenty of useful info.~ Leave wildlife alone.~ Wear a headlamp and sturdy shoes in rural areas, specially at night.Above all, don’t let any of these recomnendations discourage you from visiting Costa Rica. It is a magical place and you will have the time of your life. Pura Vida!ResponderReenvia |