The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Today Costa Rica celebrated the adoption by the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) for a resolution to destroy Syria’s chemical arsenal. “The historic decision of the Security Council reaffirms that the use of chemical weapons is a threat to peace and security,” said an official statement from the Costa Rican Foreign Ministry.
According to the bulletin, “the resolution, which was unanimouslyadopted, includes policy provisions, backs up the Geneva Declaration of June 2012, and calls for the celebration of the Conference for Peace in Syria” . It also establishes obligations and sanctions in case of breach by the Syrian government.
The Costa Rican Foreign Minister Enrique Castillo, highlighted the importance of this resolution since besides destroying the chemical weapons stockpile it will contribute to reach a political solution in Syria.” ACAN-EFE
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica