
    World News

    Where Did Man Go Wrong?

    Where did man go wrong? The question sounds anachronistic in more ways than one. It’s a right question in general though, and a good starting point.Why is it important? Because core insights into the causes of why man is...

    Hard and Soft Atheism

    Belief systems are the bane of humankind. Usually belief systems are the foundation of religions. But atheism can be a belief system as well.Truth be told, there are two kinds of atheism---hard atheism, and soft atheism. The former is...

    Tax reform raises the cost of buying and owning a car

    A tax bill was presented by the government last Monday that proposes an increase of 10 percentage points in the selective consumption tax and a rise of 2.5% to 3% transfer tax on vehicles.

    South Pacific Creates Proactive Safety Solutions With a New Police Station – Uvita, Puntarenas

    Uvita police officers have met no cross fire and have been seen as unthreatening while at the same time serving as a protective security measure in regards to the subtext of possible increased danger to the area on account of its rapid growth and progress.

    Costa Rica will now publish new laws in digital format

    An agreement of the Administrative Board of the National Press, endorsed Tuesday by the Governing Council, will allow bills, laws, agreements and executive orders to have the same force on the internet as on paper.

    Can Human Beings Transcend Death?

    For one intensely brilliant minute, a golden sun, more pure and riveting in its hue than I’ve ever seen it, hangs on the horizon.It doesn’t so much bathe the land as blast it with an amazing light, which streams...

    Costa Rica’s Golfito – Where the duty free zone’s price is right

    To get the most bang for your buck, join the scores of locals and expats for bargain shopping extravaganzas on name brands in southern Golfito’s highlight destination: the Duty Free Zone.

    Film Review: Tangled

    Tangled is perhaps the studio’s finest movie in almost a decade (not counting Pixar co-productions, of course). They take the tale of long-haired Rapunzel and turn it into a simple fairy tale, without an inkling of the pop culture references and dirty humor animated films have made us used to by now.

    Film Review: Little Fockers

    Devoid of any of the inventive humor that made its first installment funny and sincere if uninventive, this franchise has been squeezed so much over the last decade that the only thing that might elicit a giggle from this one is its title.

    The Tucson Tragedy and the Soul of a Nation

    Recent events in the United States have been heart rendering. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona left a favorite daughter of America, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, with a bullet through her brain. And it snuffed out the life of a promising 9-year-old girl, Christine Green, born on 9.11, who was so interested in politics that a neighbor took her to Giffords’ rally.
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    Do You Want to Know the Officials Who Govern Your Local Community in Costa Rica?

    At the municipal level in Costa Rica, each person has between 23 and 35 local authorities.The number sounds a...
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