
    World News

    Costa Rica and Nicaragua coordinate prosecution of organized crime

    The governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua agreed Thursday to coordinate efforts to pursue jointly organized crime units who are mobilized across the border.

    Currents Past and Present

    Martin LeFevreIt’s the warmest day of the year so far. But the creek that runs through town, with its adjacent parkland on either side, is still running cold and fast. Amazingly, a large family group of about 15, young...

    Of Pets and People

    A strong wind advisory for late morning and all afternoon is all the prompting needed to get out on the bike for a ride into the country. The first sight of the sparklingly clear, snow-capped mountains confirms the decision,...

    What Is Hell?

    Martin LeFevre, TheCostaRicaNews.comThere’s a scene in a classic Paul Newman movie, “Hombre,” in which two men look down from a shack where they’re trapped upon a woman tied to stake in the desert heat, crying out ever more weakly...

    Drug trafficking in Costa Rica – what is the status quo?

    As Central American countries now find themselves thrust into the front line of the drug trade and prey to organized crime, it has become a big priority for the Obama administration to help those countries taking on the drug cartels. But what exactly is the current situation in Costa Rica?As Central American countries now find themselves thrust into the front line of the drug trade and prey to organized crime, it has become a big priority for the Obama administration to help those countries taking on the drug cartels. But what exactly is the current situation in Costa Rica?

    Destination wedding: Costa Rica

    Gorgeous photography from a dreamy destination wedding in Costa Rica.

    The Transmutation of Man

    Martin LeFevre, TheCostaRicaNews.comA boyhood enthusiasm for America’s early space program, plus a rebellious religious nature that led to so-called mystical experiences, matured into a passion for asking the big questions. Even so, one has to ask the right questions,...

    Former Costa Rican president sentenced to five years in prison for corruption

    Miguel Ángel Rodriguez Echeverria has been sentenced to five years in prison as instigator of aggravated corruption in the ICE-Alcatel case, and has been barred from holding a public office for the next twelve years.

    Costa Rica can’t afford to keep the good coffee

    Costa Rica grows some of the best coffee in the world, but exports most of the good stuff to other countries, leaving local supermarkets with the dregs.

    Creed Is Chaos

    Martin LeFevre, TheCostaRicaNews.comThe poppies are in full flower on a day that feels like the very pinnacle of spring. It’s sunny and mild in California’s Central Valley, with a border of stupendous clouds along the western horizon.I spot a...
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