
    Science & Technology

    Costa Rican University Professor Chosen to Fly in Latin American Suborbital Mission

    LATCOSMOS was created  to allow Latin American professionals to be trained as payload specialists and fly suborbital space missions with the objective of operating science and engineering tests in microgravity and to be the first space missions fully crewed...

    Life on Venus: why it’s so strange to find Phosphine on such a hostile planet

    Earth's sister planet, Venus, has not been considered a priority when looking for extraterrestrial life. Its surface temperature of around 450 ° C is believed to be hostile to even the most resistant microorganisms

    Microsoft’s Underwater Server Experiment Proofs to be a Success

    Two years ago, Microsoft submerged an information center off the coast of Orkney, in the far north of the United Kingdom, in a somewhat crazy experiment

    Free Workshops and Talks on Technology for Costa Ricans

    More than 20 experts from Colombia, Costa Rica and the United States in the Information Technology sector will offer free talks and workshops for professionals in areas such as web development, mathematics

    Server update causes errors in digital signature and bank pages in the country

    A computer incident derived from a regular update of servers causes errors in the resolution of the "" domains, which causes failures in the display of the pages used by the Costa Rican financial system. This, in turn, generates...

    Virtual Radio Astronomy Opportunities in the COVID Era

     ULatina Costa Rica student Mauricio Ernesto Rodriguez Alas recently took part in the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s NINE program.In this week’s blog we will meet  Mauricio Ernesto Rodríguez Alas, a  final year Software Engineering student at the University of...

    Top Trending digital tools that can greatly help us

    In this world, where everyone has access to the internet, it becomes easier for everyone to reach on the top trending tools that can help them in their professional or academic lives. In this article, we are going to...

    Costa Rican Science Makes Its Way into the Study of the Deep Sea

    Have you ever heard of the deep sea? This is what science calls all those waters and sea beds that are below 200 meters deep. This is the most extensive ecosystem on the planet and covers 66% of its...

    More than 51 Million Attacks by Hackers During the Pandemic in Costa Rica

    The Computer Incident Response Center of Costa Rica (CSIRT-CR) issued an alert to the information officers of public institutions and political parties about a malicious software (malware) called Drovorub

    Chile, Mexico, and Costa Rica the most innovative countries in Latin America

    This year has been the gateway to innovation in many countries. With the arrival of the health emergency due to COVID-19, many sectors have been forced to innovate or face bankruptcy. Now, according to the recently published 2020 Global...
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    Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities

    The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...
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