

    What Is The Link Between Perfume And Emotional Health?

    Not at all like other human detects, olfactory reactions are connected to the emotional focal point of our minds and relate straightforwardly with our previous encounters.

    Five Practical Steps to Start Practicing Mindfulness

    Self-observation is based on a mind full of presence, that is, a mind trained to live in the present moment, without prejudice, prepared

    7 Things Yoga Changed In My Life

    Yoga came into my life without me knowing that it was yoga. My father was a self-taught yogi, he did the postures following a book

    Healing Properties of Cannabis Oil

    Cannabis oil can prevent or work to reduce glaucoma, an eye disease that causes gradual loss of vision. Likewise, cannabis oil can prevent

    What Benefits Does Chamomile Tea Have?

    Chamomile is one of the best known and used herbs for its healing and aesthetic properties.

    How to Get Ahead When You Are at the Limit and Without Strength

    Most of us underestimate what we are still capable of when we are on the edge. The strength of the mind is x-times superior

    Prostate Cancer Is Positioned as the Main Cause of Death among Men in Costa Rica

    Prostate cancer is the main cause of death of men in Costa Rica, according to the Ministry of Health. Based on health surveillance

    Nuclear Medicine: Key to More Accurate Diagnoses and More Effective Treatments

    Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that uses different types of one hundred percent safe techniques for the diagnosis and treatment

    Spirituality and Stress Relief: How to Make the Connection

    Some stress relief tools are very concrete: exercise more, eat healthy food, also talking with friends. A less concrete way to relieve stress

    Why It Is Better to Eat Fruits and Vegetables With its Skin

    Many people, when preparing fruits and vegetables, peel them by default. However, often it is not necessary. There are important nutrients in the skin.
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