Quick Dental Trips to Costa Rica
It is said that if beauty is power, then a smile is its sword. If your smile has dimmed because of damaged, decaying or discolored teeth, a quick dental trip to Costa Rica could provide the solution you need....
Costa Rica Medical Tourism Review
Costa Rica Medical Tourism leads Central American counties as a the Medical Travel Destination of ChoiceMedical Tourism in Costa Rica has seen significant grow over the past decade, and many experts expect to see even greater growth as issues...
Medical Tourism Increases in Costa Rica
Welcome to Costa Rica, one of the fastest growing tropical getaway for those seeking affordable medical care.Reuters is reporting Costa Rica is competing with India, Brazil, Panama and Mexico for the title of top medical tourism destination. Its proximity...
Dengue Alert
According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, as of November 10 there have been 16,258 cases, 11,906 cases against the same period last year, giving an increase of 36%. Santa Cruz, Nicoya, Liberia, and Carrillo Bagaces cantons are...
The Latin Codex will be Hosted in Costa Rica
Costa Rica will host the next Codex Alimentarius for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC), for the 18th meeting.THE CCLAC discuss issues on the agenda of this Committee and the Strategic Plan of the Commission for the next five...
Güitite Tree from Costa Rica joins Fight against Cancer
A very common Costa Rican tree could become the newest ally in the fight against cancer. The tree is called Acnistus arborescens, known as the tree "güitite" to Ticos. This species, common in deforested areas of the Pacific and...
Costa Rica Cancer Rate per Capita goes up in 2012 but Still Very Low
Costa Rica registers at least 9,000 new patients each year which approximately is 196 per 100,000 compared to USA with 300 per 100,000 (World Cancer Research Fund)This disease was the cause of death of4244 people last year, especially gastric,...
Ministry of Health May Ban Electronic Cigarettes
The Ministry of Health is considering banning the import of electronic cigarettes, which are an alternative for those who want to continue smoking without inhaling harmful substances and avoid the smoke nuisance to people who are around.The Ministry of...
5% of the Adult Population Suffers from Depression in Latin America
5 percent of the adult population suffers from depression in Latin America and Caribbean, but six out of ten do not receive treatment, said Tuesday the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).Comparatively, 8% of North Americas (USA) suffers from depression.At...
Ombudsman Expects Approval For Costa Rica IVF
Ofelia Taitelbaum, the Defensoría de los Habitantes (Ombudsman's office), expressed confidence that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court) will order the ban on in vitro fertilization, lifted.
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Costa Rica’s Neutral Compass: Navigating a Turbulent World
In a global landscape increasingly defined by polarization and conflict, Costa Rica's enduring commitment to neutrality stands as a...