

    Where Will There Be More Construction Recovery in Costa Rica? Guanacaste Gives Surprise in Latest Statistics

    An analysis by provinces reveals an uneven recovery in the construction sector and how the coasts are expanding their potential

    Reforestation and Forest Conservation: Keys to a Win-Win Option in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica, which is home to around 5% of the world's biodiversity, is one of the few countries that has managed to reverse deforestation in the last 30 years and expand its forest cover, thanks, to a large extent,...

    June 2023 Was the World`s Warmest Month in History

    In the month of June, the highest temperatures ever detected in the same period of time were recorded worldwide

    Aleste in Curridabat Has 1,000 New Trees of 24 Native Species

    In 2021, the first edition took place, in which 163 trees were planted; one year later, the goal of 526 was reached

    Costa Rican Metereologists Warn of an Increase in Trade Winds that Generates Gusts of Up to 80 Km/H in the Coming Days

    The National Meteorological Institute (IMN) alerted this past Wednesday for accelerated trade winds due to an increase in atmospheric pressure ..

    Dust From The Sahara Will Not Reach Costa Rica, But It Will Reduce Rainy Conditions

    According to IMN experts, the presence of dust in the Caribbean Sea is creating a drier environment in Central America

    Prevent Yourself for the Upcoming Heat Wave!

    During this season, which will last until July 26th, 2023, the heatwave is expected to be stronger in places like Liberia, La Cruz, Carrillo,

    Amazon Countries Determined to Preserve Their Rainforest Amid Climate Crisis

    ACTO delegates, made up of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, agreed on the need to avoid

    What Are Waterspouts and Why Are They Formed?

    Costa Rica had not registered waterspouts since 2020; however, so far in 2023, 7 waterspouts have already formed

    Recycling Challenge: Eliminating Plastic Bags But without “Demonizing” the Material

    Some studies indicate that each person spends an average of 230 plastic bags a year, which is equivalent to more than 500 billion worldwide
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