

    Japan Donates $9 Million to Protect Costa Rica National Parks and Wild-life Areas

    The government of Japan has donated $9 million to Costa Rica for the protection of national parks and protected wild-life areas. The donation was announced by the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (ICT) and the Ministry of Environment and...

    Four arrested in Costa Rica shark fin poaching operation

    Four Costa Ricans were arrested yesterday morning by the National Coast Guard (NG) on suspicion of killing sharks at sea for their fins.Authorities seized 122 fins from about 30 sharks, southeast from Golfito, off Punta Banco, in waters in...

    First National Waste Management Guide Published

    San Jose - During the celebration of the World Environment Day, Costa Rica reassured its commitment to the protection the environment by releasing the first National Guide on Waste Management “Diay Jacinto”. The guide is the result of...

    CATIE Representing Costa Rica at the Rio +20 Rio de Janeiro Brazil

    Rio de Janeiro - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) has been in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to represent Costa Rica and participate in the Rio +20 Summit.More than 190 nations and 50,000 are in...

    Costa Rica – Paul Watson Waiting on Germany’s Extradition Decision

    TCRN] - Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, originally arrested at Frankfurt airport involving Costa Rican shark fin poachers in Guatemalan waters, is hoping Germany, which has no extradition treaty with Costa Rica, will refuse the extradition...

    Costa Rica – Pamela Anderson defends Captain Watson of Sea Shepherd

    Actress Pamela Anderson came out today in defense of the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Paul Watson, who is in Germany awaiting possible extradition to Costa Rica for shark fin poaching.The Costa Rican authorities demanding the extradition...

    Costa Rica – Second Largest Central American Project Could Hit Road Block

    The Diquís hydroelectric project being developed by Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) is accused of violating international standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and national legislation that the pre-feasibility studies did not follow the guidelines.According to environmental lawyer...

    Can the Earth Summit follow-up Rio +20 make a Difference?

    (TCRN) – The region’s largest environmental conference, the Rio+20, is being held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil on June 20 for 3 days to discuss safe guarding the planet for the coming generations.World leaders along with thousands of people...

    Sea Shepherd looks for volunteers in Costa Rica

    Sea Shepherd is looking for volunteers in Costa RicaThe foundation for marine conservation, Sea Shepherd is looking for volunteers in Costa Rica to start a campaign to protect the seas. The recruiting process is carried out by the organization...

    6.6 Earthquake strikes Southern Costa Rica June 3 2012

    At 6:45 PM, June 3, 2012 a 5.3 earthquake struck 21 km southwest of PUERTO LA PLAYA in Golfito, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. No damage has been reported as yet. The Costa Rica News (TCRN) will update this report as...
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    Airbnb Has Collected and Remitted More Than $5 Million in Taxes to the Treasury in Costa Rica

    The Airbnb platform delivered a new update of the tax contribution it has made in Costa Rica, which amounts...
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