
    Culture & Lifestyle

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Triggers Alert in Costa Rica

    Every year it is commemorated the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) states that in the region of the Americas nearly 500 people die every day as a result of some...

    Costa Rica’s Population Will Decline From 2045 If Solutions Are Not Sought

    In the last two decades, the population of Costa Rica has experienced a significant decline in its birth rate. In 2002, the crude birth rate was 1.43%, while in 2023 it fell to 0.98%, according to data from the...

    Balance Between Freedom of Worship and Love for the Neighbor Would Be the Result of Regulating Volume of Churches in Costa Rica

    Far from being a religious persecution. Did You Know There Is An Amish Population In Costa Rica?, the bill being processed in the Legislative Assembly to generate positive sound spaces seeks a healthy balance between freedom of worship, the...

    Content Creators Living Abroad, a Boost to Their Creativity

    Over the past 15 years, the expansion of social networks has given rise to numerous new professions, especially that of content creators. These creators are a constant presence on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. Many have professionalized...

    Who Are Resonance And Alianza Soberana In Costa Rica And What Is Their Purpose?

    Knowing the practices of our ancestors and getting those answers of who we are, what our purpose is, and where we are going, can be some of the best life experiences, of course, in each person's time, and the...

    Which Are the Favorite Destinations for Costa Ricans to Say Goodbye and Start the New Year?

    With the arrival of the end of the year season, Costa Ricans take advantage of the festivities to explore national and international destinations, looking for unique experiences to close and start the year. The most sought after international destinations...

    Moving Abroad Can Drive a Change in Your Career If You Are a Woman?

    According to research by several international mobility management consulting firms, 75% of “accompanying spouses” are women. While some succeed in obtaining employment abroad, between 35% and 50% do not resume work or initiate a career change. Moving abroad often...

    Costa Rica Enjoyed 11 Photographic Projects On The History Of Water, Water Crises, Myths, Legends, And Problems In Latin America

    On December 3, 4, and 5, the citizens of Costa Rica enjoyed the sixth edition of the E-CO/24 Exhibition, whose theme this year was “Stories of Water”.Initially, there was a breakfast between those present at the Ambassador's Residence with...

    How is Christmas Celebrated in Costa Rica?

    The celebration of Christmas in Latin America has a unique and special touch, as in addition to its unique traditions, it is marked by the joyful family gatherings that take place throughout the month of December.The Posadas:In many Central...

    Meet Sandra León Coto, a Highly Distinguished Chemist with Numerous Contributions to the Sustainability and Development of Costa Rica

    Sandra León Coto is recognized by the College of Chemists of Costa Rica as the Chemist of the Year for her outstanding career as a researcher and academic at the National University, where she has promoted environmental and marine...
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    Know All About the Incredible Properties of Psilocybin

    Psilocybin, the active compound found in certain species of mushrooms, has garnered significant attention for its potential therapeutic and...
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