Culture & Lifestyle
One of the greatest inventions in the human history is Cinematography. Today it is very difficult to imagine our lives without having the privilege to witness the wonderful film productions that can recreate both fictitious and true stories, where...
Culture & Lifestyle
Are You a Monochronic or a Polychronic Person?
Time management is an important aspect in our modern way of life. Based on it, we always arrange, plan, and schedule our social life and work commitments. However, there is a slight variation with regard to the way we...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Mall as the Urban Life Center for Excellence
Right after the end of the Second World War, there was a meaningful change in the way the United States of America (USA) -as well as some other Western countries, including parts of Europe and Latin America- started organizing...
Culture & Lifestyle
English-Spanish Cognates (Part III):
Read Part II at: promised in the previous parts, we are going to continue talking about English-Spanish cognates. Just to remember, cognates are classified according to their orthography, their semantic similarity (which were already explained), and their number...
Culture & Lifestyle
English-Spanish Cognates (Part II)
Read Part I at: we explained in a previous issue, cognates are words or phrases that not only look similar between 2 languages, but they also have similar meanings in both of those languages. And English and Spanish...
Culture & Lifestyle
English-Spanish Cognates (Part I)
First of all; what is a cognate? It is, in a general sense, any word or term that not only looks alike or similar between 2 languages but that also has an equivalent meaning, usually derived from a common...
Culture & Lifestyle
Threshold Moments in the Evolution of Money
The notion of money has been an important part of the human way of life for more than 2,900 years. When looking back at its origins, there is no doubt that the trade system has evolved considerably.As we mentioned...
Culture & Lifestyle
Why Bilingual People are Likely to Be Successful?
What does “being a bilingual person” mean?If you are bilingual –that is, when you speak and read fluently 2 different languages– then you are a very fortunate person. This means that the benefits of being bilingual may be far...
Culture & Lifestyle
Origin of The Word “Tico(a)” in Costa Rica
Origin of the word "tico(a)": During the colonial period where the Central American countries formed a single province under the name of the Captaincy General of Guatemala, which in turn was under the orders of the Viceroyalty of Mexico....
Culture & Lifestyle
Nicoya, the “Blue Zone” in Costa Rica
Eulalia Obdulia, is a centennial woman residing in Nicoya, Costa Rica. In the photo, she is with her 72 year-old child Elias and her 70 year-old daughter Carmen.Eulalia has never danced, although she has enough free time to do...
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Costa Rica Will Learn the Secrets of Alternative Healing Through Medicinal Plants
Ancestral Culture, is the event of the year in Costa Rica, which will take place this Saturday 15 and...