Michelle Bachelet Former President of Chile (Photo: Wiki Commons)”][/caption]The former president of Chile and current executive director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet, this week thanked Costa Rica for giving refuge to hundreds of Chileans after the coup led by Augusto Pinochet 39 years ago.
Bachelet, who launched this week in San Jose the UN program “Safe Cities for All”, thanked Costa Rica with “open arms and generous welcome here many Chileans who had the opportunity to restart a life as the deserved and of which we have many Chileans still present. “
“That affection, that affection and the host that the people of Costa Rica gave the Chilean counterpart also had a very important contribution of my compatriots in many areas, and I have noted the Costa Ricans,” said the former president before starting a speech on combating violence against women.
September 11 marked the thirty-ninth anniversary of the coup in Chile led by Augusto Pinochet that on September 11, 1973, overthrew President Salvador Allende and installed a violent dictatorship for 17 years.
“This September 11th is an important date for Chileans, but also for our friends in Latin America and Costa Rica who once knew not only condemn the institutional breakdown, but also a violation of rights in my beloved country” Bachelet said.
Continuing ” (this) is not an ordinary day for America” and is “very symbolic” that this date has been launched in Costa Rica “a commitment to human rights and the rights of women and children” through Safe Cities program.
Bachelet, daughter of a democratic general who died in prison after the military coup, said “it is of great satisfaction” be “in this beloved country” on this date due to the “long history of friendship” between Chile and Costa Rica.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica