
    At-Home Alternatives for Sophisticated Skin Treatments

    Take Them into Account If Benefits Outweigh the Risks

    Must Read

    Carlos Silvahttp:////
    Journalist, Writer, Hot Speaker, Proactive, Entrepreneur, believer and passionate about the world around me!

    In the past, you had to go to a doctor and pay a lot of money for botox injections, peels, and other sophisticated skin treatments. Now there are versions to use at-home, cheaper, easier, and less painful. But the question is… Do they work?

    Botox for home use

    Results similar to those of Botox without the need for injections. If the wrinkles are not noticed so much when you smile or frown, the homemade alternative is applied daily and although it does not contain botox, it has ingredients that relax wrinkles

    Volunteers who have tried this alternative have seen that their wrinkles were less visible after two or three weeks of use. These products have gained popularity. Recently it began to be distributed as a cream. But women who expect these and other botox imitators to eliminate their deep wrinkles can end up disillusioned. Deep wrinkles around the mouth remain and do not satisfy women who thought that this procedure was more complete.

    These products help to reduce the appearance of expression lines but you will not see immediate results and it does not reduce deep wrinkles. Nothing intervenes muscles like Botox and when you stop using these treatments, your skin will look like before you started it, in a matter of a few weeks.

    Skincare routine

    Microdermabrasion for home use

    A radiant skin in a uniform tone like you would get if a specialist applied on your skin macroparticles similar to sand has a home alternative: Macroparticles. They use enzymes that stimulate the exfoliating action. The women who tried this procedure were fascinated. The small machine that is used to apply the scrub resembles a hand sander but leaves the skin looking healthier. There are products that passed the test without complaints as there are others who did not pass the test.

    If your skin is opaque you will get a pleasant result with luminosity almost equivalent to what you could achieve with a professional treatment. Avoid these products if you have sensitive skin. In dark skin, it is convenient to use with extreme caution, since the skin may be vulnerable to discoloration caused by irritation. It is convenient that you do a test on the inside of the wrist two days before using any of these products that may harm your skin and thus you will get better results if you take these precautions.

    Collagen injections for home use to fill the lips

    What these products promise are more filled lips temporarily without the pain, nor the cost of a collagen injection. Ingredients are for example capsicum a kind of pepper that causes swelling in the skin. They made it possible for women to have full, voluptuous lips for three or four hours. Most women who have used them feel an annoying tingling and some women have experienced dry lips. There are women who have reported that a lipstick with these products produced an unpleasant sensation to their lips. There are also other women who have tried moisturizing lipsticks with these products and have not liked their moisturizing effect.

    If you want a slightly sensual, provocative, and slightly stuffed lip and do not mind the reaction that these lipsticks cause then these products are for you. We recommend that you use a moisturizing balm of your preference over the treatment, to reduce the dryness of your lips. The results look more natural than with collagen.

    Acid peeling for home use

    What these products promise with this acid is eliminating the upper layer of the epidermis, offering a luminous skin and a disappearance of expression lines. In a dermatologist’s office, this procedure can cost you a lot of money, instead. with these products, you can achieve it at home as if you were in a dermatologist’s office.

    The real result is that most of the women who have tried these treatments reported a burning sensation on their skin yet others reported that their skin became as soft as baby skin. One of the women who tried it said that the treatment even made the pores less visible.

    These products work almost also as a visit to the dermatologist. If you have acne these products may work much better. Use them with precaution especially if you have sensitive skin.

    If you have to use a magnifying mirror to study your imperfections you do not need these products yet.

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