Cleaning products, personal hygiene and school supplies will be included in the basic goods and services basket (official list of products), as long as they are goods consumed primarily by at least 30% of the households with the lowest income.
In this way, for these products you would pay a reduced VAT of 1%, instead of 13%. This is what a legislative bill seeks to define in a better way, that is the composition of the basic basket(government sanctioned list).
To define the integration, between the Treasury and the Ministry of Economy they would make a list of those of primary consumption, while the Ministry of Health would define all food goods and value the inclusion of those with high nutritional value.
Likewise, the list of products included in the basic basket would be reviewed at least every five years. The reduced rate of 1% considers the sales, imports and import of the items defined in the basic basket, including the machinery, equipment, services and supplies necessary for their production, until they are made available to the consumer.