Here we present our dear foreign readers with tickismos or costaricismos that you must know in order to make the best of your next visit to the Land of Pura Vida
Ten Costa Rican phrases for expats and foreign visitors
Te Cuesta Un Brazo y Una Pierna (It costs an arm and a leg): It requires a lot of effort to achieve.
Cable: (Hunger). Hunger is the most common term.
Deje El Ombligo Enterrado: (Leave the navel buried): Reference to the place where a person was born.
Guachos or Guavas: Both words are slang of sight. The most common word is eyes. Peeling guavas means keeping your eyes open.
Paquete (Package): Bunch of Lies.
Pasta De Rascar: (Scratching paste): Up to par. Costa Ricans also say: “It is leaving hairs on the line.”
Pelar Los Dientes: (Peel your teeth): Smile is the traditional Spanish word.
Sea Una Bolsa de Trucos: (Be a bag of tricks): You have a lot of bad habits.
Donde El Diablo Perdió Su Chaqueta: (Where the devil lost his jacket): Far away.