The cultivation and use of Cannabis have generated in recent years contradictions in some regions, while in others its definitive legalization. As is the case of Italy, the legal system of this European country will allow the cultivation of cannabis at homes from now on, as long as it is for personal use and in minimum quantities.
It should be noted that this action is a type of response to the Italian Senate’s refusal to support a law that legalizes the sale of the controversial “Cannabis Light”. The debate has been considered “inadmissible” for this year 2020.
Meanwhile, in Uruguay, illegal traffic of Cannabis has decreased thanks to legalization.
Due to the legalization of Cannabis sales in Uruguay, consumers drastically reduce its acquisition via the black market, according to information released by government authorities at the end of 2019.
In this regard, the seizures have remained -mediately stable- when compared to the previous period, according to the Uruguayan National Police. The National Drug Board said that the legal market has taken from drug trafficking at least $ 22 million.
After the legalization of actions, the government has slowly increased the legal sources of access to Cannabis taking into account the possibility that people can and have the right to supply themselves through self-cultivation, at a club or buy it in pharmacies.
In the case of pharmacies, the cultivation and sale since 2016 have had organic growth. For this year, there is perhaps good news for athletes who will participate in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, because they will not be penalized if they consumed the Cannabis component “CBD”, better known as Cannabidiol.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, for its acronym in English) confirmed that it made a modification to its regulations eliminating the CBD of prohibited substances and thus allows athletes to use derivatives of this fashionable substance.
From 1999 until this decision for the 2020 Olympics, both CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) were banned from all high-level athletic training. This despite ample studies that indicate that CBD has important and striking therapeutic properties for athletes, including the ability to reduce inflammation, which results in the reduction of muscle aches, anxiety and movement disorders, all this supported by scientific findings.
There are even more benefits from CBD, such as reducing the risk of cancer, reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity, lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, controlling depression and mood swings, among other positive effects for humans.
We invite you to analyze more profoundly all the information we have published, as to have more direct truthful knowledge about the positive acceptance of Cannabis in the world society and of course in Costa Rica.