
    From Sick to Stupendous – An Unconventional Approach

    My own health crisis inspired a deep journey of learning, healing, and changing

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    I am preparing my body, mind, and spirit to sit in sacred plant medicine ceremony this coming weekend. As I prepare, I am reflecting on the incredible healing and transformational approach that this sacred vine of ayahuasca, and other such powerful medicines have initiated in my life.

    In my early 20’s, I lost my health. I experienced a complete system breakdown. I couldn’t work.  I was in such distress, I couldn’t maintain a social life. I started out by going to doctors – yet they didn’t have many answers.  They just wanted to prescribe poisonous medications, or sign me up for surgeries. I rejected their approach – opting to follow my intuition and the natural path.  I had to move in with my family, and seek an alternative approach to healing. This health crisis inspired me to embark on a deep journey of learning, healing, and changing.

    Different approach to healing
    Altar art

    My approach, desire, and drive to heal my body led me to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, acupuncture, colonics, healing through nutrition and herbs, and other natural methods. I went to school. I received training and licensing in TCM, acupuncture, bodywork therapies, and more. I worked in clinics, had my own practice, and continued my studies of natural healing. I learned and practiced organ cleansing, juice and water fasting, alkalizing, various bodywork and energy healing therapies, yoga, tai chi, oxygen therapies, and so much more. I saw, experienced, and held space for some incredible healing moments.

    Then over a decade ago I moved to the jungles of Central America, and my approach to healing took a new twist. It was then that I learned firsthand about the heart healing potential of cacao. As I nursed a broken heart from a difficult divorce, and settled in to becoming a single mother – cacao assisted me in releasing the pain, and mending my heart wounds. Cacao taught me to keep my heart open, and that bliss was always possible – even for the emotionally scarred. Later I would learn the art of facilitating such healing for others, through cacao ceremonies.

    Different approach to healing
    Sacred Cacao Ceremony

    The jungles drew me in deeper, and I soon sat in my first ayahuasca ceremony. This approach initiated deep changes on every level of my being. Let’s just say it rocked my world.  Although this medicine has been challenging at times, it also has been one of my greatest teachers and initiators of healing. I look back to when I first started journeying with this sacred vine. Although I had made great progress in my physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through other therapies and medicines, my body was still being purged of toxins, repaired, cleaned, and transformed.

    My early sessions with ayahuasca were often accompanied by great amounts of physical discomfort – aching joints and muscles, nausea, bladder irritation, and more. Yet I continued the work. I kept drinking the medicine.  Over time, I saw changes happen. This approach healed and transformed my body, and the physical discomfort left. My body became stronger and cleaner. It became renewed.  It was as if I was given a new body… also a new heart, a new mind, and new chance at life.

    Different approach to healing
    Reishi mushroom

    I continued, and still continue, to explore the various natural medicines that can heal the body, mind, heart, and soul. I have included kambo, sananga, San Pedro, peyote, iboga, and other spiritual medicines in my journeys. With all of this as part of my path, I can honestly say that I know, beyond a doubt, that these medicines have made me a more awakened person.  A more healthy, happy, vibrant, inspired, grounded, and loving person. I spent years studying, and trying out many healing therapies. Through these efforts and experiments, I received a lot of healing. I am so grateful for all that led me to where I am now. Yet the biggest changes and greatest healing didn’t come until these power plants and spirit medicines were introduced to me.

    After so many years of testing, trying, observing, studying, and researching, I conclude that this approach of utilizing the proper use of these natural medicines  hold great potential for being the catalysts and quick routes to true healing and renewal. I have seen these medicines help others heal… some from very serious maladies, such as cancer, auto-immune disorders, lymes disease, mental health imbalances, addictions, depression, digestive troubles, infertility, allergies, and more. I have witnessed profound awakenings, transformations, and activations. I have seen many people rise to their potential and embrace their empowerment.

    Different approach to healing
    Healing properties of plants

    I have had ovarian cysts, systemic candida, extreme digestive issues, adrenal fatigue, scoliosis, kidney infections, a weakened liver, hormone imbalance’s, parasites, migraines, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, seasonal allergies, eczema, advanced stage cancer, and more. At times I felt hopeless and depressed. And now using this broader approach … I am healthier, stronger, and more alive than ever. I am full of energy, with strong digestion, pain and dis-ease free, and I pretty much never get sick. I am immensely grateful to be alive.

    There are many misperceptions, fears, and much misinformation regarding these powerful natural remedies and medicines. I believe that these medicines would not be on our planet if our Creator didn’t love us, and want to provide all we need to be healthy and whole.  These are challenging times.  There is a great need for healing on many levels. I trust that we were given the tools to heal, and make it through these tumultuous moments. We just need to shift our approach, and open our minds and our hearts to what may seem strange, unconventional, and even absurd in regards to what we think we know about healing.

    Different approach to healing
    Raw cacao

    This is a time when hidden knowledge, and ancient traditions are finding their way to our “modern world.” This is an approach when we can choose to listen to the wisdom and teachings of ancient cultures, and their methods of healing that have been previously unknown to us.  We can look beyond what the medical establishments have offered us in terms of healing – poisonous and addictive drugs disguised as medicine, invasive therapies like surgeries, radiation, and other toxic or damaging methods. We can choose to boldly request that our governments stop suppressing the research of these medicines. Stop criminalizing plants and other natural medicines that could be the cure for many of the ills that have been plaguing us.  It is time for change and a different approach to healing.

    I share my story to help educate and to inspire others. I am here to help others, support these medicines, facilitate healing events, and to help establish “Centers for Awakening and Healing” throughout this planet. I am here to assist with the awakening and healing of humanity… in loving service to the Divine.

    To learn more, or to join me for a healing ceremony or event, inquire about a personal healing consultation.  Or to help support the efforts to build a global network of centers for healing and awakening, as well as support indigenous wisdom and traditions, please email at [email protected]

    Different approach to healing

    Zahrah Sita is a professional practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, an herbalist, a health and wellness guide, a student, an enthusiast of plant medicines, and ancient indigenous wisdom and traditions. She helps lead sacred cacao ceremonies with the Mystic Heart Sacred Cacao Tribe, and also helps organize sacred medicine ceremonies.  Zahrah is also the co-founder and co-director at Abundant Global Solutions, is a writer, a dancer, and a lover of all of the arts, nature, spirituality, and natural healing.  Zahrah resides in Costa Rica year round.

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