
    If you are a Foreign Resident of Costa Rica and Leave the Country During These Days, Pay Attention to the Following

    Read here the mandatory requirements issued by the Tico authorities

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    Foreigners who leave the country and return by land will be subject to a sanitary isolation order for a period of 14 days of mandatory compliance, which they must fully comply with during their stay in the country, implying that they will not be able to leave for work or other type of activity.

    Failure to comply with the order will be sanctioned with a fine of a base salary of a clerk 1 of the Judicial Power (currently corresponds to the sum of ₡ 464,300). This measure applies to people who have an authorized legal stay under the immigration categories of permanent, temporary, special or non-resident residence subcategory stay, an is issued in order to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus.

    Additional requirements

    Additionally, they must complete the “Health Pass” form (available at the link: and present their current Immigration Identification Document for Foreigners (DIMEX) or notified resolution, in the terms established by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners via resolution for such purposes.

    They must have current insurance from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), or, failing that, travel insurance offered by any of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendence of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered with said authority. This insurance will have to cover at least the accommodation and medical expenses generated in the event of being infected by the COVID-19 disease, equivalent to the costs of being admitted to a hospital with a minimum coverage of 22 days, as well as lodging expenses for that same minimum term.

    These measures must be complied with without exception, and are carried out within the framework of the measures maintained by the Government of the Republic to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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