The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – The murder of environmentalist Jairo Mora, was intended to “scare”, said a judicial source connected with the case and who requested anonymity.
Apparently, those responsible for the death of environmentalist wanted to intimidate him because of his work in protecting the species. The men searched for a way to drive Mora away from the beach, in order to exercise control over it and allow certain criminal activities.
Mora’s case shook the country after last May 31 was given the news of his murder. Apparently, four men wearing balaclavas intercepted him while traveling with a group of foreigners, in the area of Matina.
On 4 June, the OIJ studies revealed the autopsy on Mora, who determined that the cause of death was asphyxiation after being hit behind the head, which could be a stone or a stick.
At that time, the Director of the OIJ, said the blow received by Mora was near the neck. This caused the young fell face down, as they found a large amount of sand in the esophagus and stomach, that would have caused suffocation.
The investigations into the murder of Mora continues (Based on a report by
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica