The protection of Costa Rica biodiversity wins land slide vote this week
The Costa Rica government lawmakers took steps this week to be the first Latin America country to ban hunting as a sport. The vote was 41 in favor and 5 against.
The Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT) reported that 2.1 million visitors came to Costa Rica 2011. A large portion of the visitors visit the many national parks and bio-reserves and enjoy the rainforests and eco-friendly resorts.
Costa Rica is one of the most bio-rich and bio-diverse countries in the world home to 4.5% of the world’s bio-diversity.
Many animals such jaguars, pumas, and sea turtles are hunted for trophies in Costa Rica.
While the ban would protect Costa Rica’s wildlife, it will not apply to hunting by indigenous groups for survival or scientific research.
A second vote will occur in the coming week, but it is expected to pass into law.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica