ComScore, the worlds leading Internet research company, issued its latest report on digital trends in Latin America user behavior on the Internet.
The Latin American Internet audience grew by 12% between March 2012 and March 2013.
In total there are 147 million Internet users in the region, bringing Latin America in the first place in the growth of network users. Asia-Pacific 7%, Europe 5%, Middle East-Africa with 3% and the U.S. and Canada at 1%.
Despite the growth of the Latin American audience, this only represents 9% of the global internet audience.
According to the study, Latinos are social both in real life and in virtual. Users of the region invest in social networks up to five hours a month that Internet users of any other region of the world.
Of all the networks, the favorite remains Facebook, which reached 94% of users
42% of Internet users are in Brazil followed by Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Peru and Puerto Rico.
About 50% of Internet users in Brazil and Venezuela spent an average of between U.S. $ 250 and U.S. $ 1,000 in online purchases in the last three months, a higher percentage than the average for other Latin American countries.
In Peru and Colombia, almost half of the purchases made on the Internet was worth less than U.S. $ 250.
The data show that 85% of American Internet users regularly visit online news sites, which is above the global average of 76.1%. Peru, Argentina and Chile were the most visited news sites on the Internet (94%).
In 2013, 31% of Latin America American Internet users accessed a banking service on the Internet. But of all the users in the region, Venezuelans were the most assiduous in banking portals.
More and more Latin Americans access the Internet through mobile devices such as phones and tablets.
The access through these devices increased from 2.7% on average in March 2012 to 8.1% in March 2013. But among all the countries Mexico stands out with 13.9% of its traffic from mobile devices, followers Chile (9.8%), Argentina and Brazil (6.5%).
According to ComScore, Argentina is the Latin American country where they have greater reach online videos, which are 95.5% regularly access the Internet.
However, Chilean Internet users are those with the highest number of views per viewer.
The most popular pages for Internet videos among Latin Americans are YouTube, Vevo, Facebook and Viacom Digital.
Category: Latin America News
[Based on a report by BBC]
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