“Yoga is the Technology of Well-Being”
"Yoga is a science that was passed down to us by the first yogis 15,000 years ago, but I think it will be taken over by future generations,"
Depression Becomes the Leading Cause of Disability Worldwide, Equating Its Impact to That of a Cancer Diagnosis
Reducing stigma and discrimination towards mental health is essential for people to seek professional help
Learn More About Heart Energy
We do not usually question the importance of our heart for the physical survival of our body
Habits that Accelerate Aging and that You Should Stop Doing Them
Old age is something natural for the human being, but there are certain behaviors that we carry out daily and help to accelerate it
Microbiota: The Invisible Allies Of The Digestive System That Make Up A “Second Fingerprint” For Health
The first exposure to these germs occurs at birth. In a vaginal delivery, babies are exposed to the mother's “healthy” bacteria.
Fruit Fly Atlas of Aging Offers a New Perspective on Cellular Aging
A scientific team made up of researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine has carried out a highly relevant study published in the journal Science. The objective of the study was to develop the first cellular aging atlas of...
How Many Times Can a Person Have Sex in a Day without Affecting Their Health?
For example, various studies ensure that having sex at least 2 times a week reduces the chances of dying from heart disease in half.
How Does Self-Medication Affect Our Health? What Consequences Can It Bring?
Although this may seem like a quick and easy solution to alleviate symptoms, it can also have serious health consequences
The Benefits for the Brainof Taking a Short Nap During the Day
The problem, they say, arises with the work culture of modern society where this practice is often disapproved of, making
Follow 4 Recommendations for a Healthy and Sustainable Eating
Eating is much more than a pleasure and a necessity. Healthy diets and eating habits are the public health factors that can most help protect us from malnutrition and prevent numerous diseases
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Embracing the Sacred: Seeking Spiritual Connection With Costa Rica’s Indigenous Communities
Costa Rica, a land of vibrant biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, also holds a rich tapestry of indigenous cultures, each...