

    CABEI Will Finance Feasibility Studies to Produce Biomethane in Costa Rica

    Biomethane is an alternative fuel with characteristics similar to those of natural gas, it offers cost advantages and environmental impact,

    Did You Feel Hotter Days Last Week?

    According to data from the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) since April 21st, 2023,higher temperatures have been recorded in the country. “In the first half of April, temperatures were lower than average, a behavior that was reversed since April 21st,...

    Alert for the “El Niño Phenomenon!” These will be the most serious effects that it will cause in Costa Rica

    Institutions are asked to generate an action plan according to the expected impact to mitigate the negative effects of El Niño

    Law Initiative Seeks to Avoid Contamination of the Sea by Microplastics in Costa Rica

    Project would regulate the way in which cosmetic, personal and cleaning products with microplastics are imported, produced and sold

    Costa Rica Cries Out With One Voice: “Stop Fumigating Our Rural Schools”

    A new press release has just been circulated for poisonous fumigation on rural schools during class hours.

    At Older Age, the Environmental Habits of Costa Ricans Change, according to TEC Measurement

    At an older age, people are more likely to complete environmental practices or make purchases motivated by eco-friendly factors. This is demonstrated by the results of the survey "Environmental Commitment of the Costa Rican population", developed by the Technological...

    The Best Time to Fish in Costa Rica: A Guide to Maximizing Your Catch

    Costa Rica is a haven for fishing enthusiasts, with its pristine waters and abundant marine life.

    How Does Costa Rica Contribute To Caring For The Planet?

    Cleaning the beaches, protecting the rivers, without using pesticides or plastics, recycling and very importantly planting

    Plan Seeks to Reduce 52 Tons of Plastic Waste Generated in Costa Rica

    The project also has pilot plans for the reduction and recovery of plastic in retail chains

    Sardinal Station in Guanacaste Recorded the Highest Temperature of this Year

    The National Meteorological Institute (IMN) reported this past Thursday the highest temperature recorded so far in 2023.
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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