
    Science & Technology

    The Key to Cure Baldness May Lie in Body Moles

    The research, published in the journal Nature, describes the essential role that osteopontin and CD44 molecules play in activating hair

    Brazilian Scientist Investigates the Properties of a ‘Magic Plant’ Similar to Marijuana

    The discovery made something of an academic star out of MouraNeto, an affable, gray-haired 66-year-old whose schedule was filled

    Biologists Find a Mysterious Creature in the Deep Waters of Costa Rica

    After several seconds of analyzing the rare creature, they realized that it was a "pelican eel" also known as "devouring eel"

    Costa Rica Leads the Way to Promote 5G Technology and Foreign Investment

    The Costa Rican government indicated that, by the second half of 2023, it is expected to have the cartel ready to receive offers

    Costa Rican Man Who Lost His Arms in an Accident Will Receive Myoelectric Prosthesis

    A 37-year-old Costa Rican, who lost his arms in a car accident 2 years ago, will become the first to obtain it...

    In Costa Rica, Researchers Discover a New Species of Octopus More Than 2,800 Meters Under The Sea

    During the expedition, the scientists used an underwater robot, ROV SuBastian, to observe seamounts and baby octopuses.

    Synthetic Human Embryos Are Created without Using Eggs or Sperm

    The structures do not have a beating heart or the beginning of a brain, although they include cells that would typically go on to form the placenta, yolk sac, and the future baby

    5 Signs of Burnout Syndrome and How to Prevent It

    The international health agency recognized it as a risk factor. “It can lead to dysfunctional behaviours, contribute to poor physical

    Learn How Technology Is Revolutionizing Sending Money

    In this period of time, the area of the country that received the most remittances was the Central area, followed by the East

    AreYou Looking for Wi-Fi Networks to Connect and not Spend Your Data? Before You Do, take these Precautions

    This technology allows wireless internet connection and eliminates wiring. Since its launch, it has changed the world and the lives
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